Some Things You Might Want to Know About Me...
I’ve been making dolls and soft toys as a hobby since the late 1980s. It was very trendy back then and I’m working to make it trendy again.
My first Embroidery Machine around 2005 was a Viking Husqvarna Rose. Wish I still had it.
In 2009 I began digitizing dolls and tiny doll clothes for my embroidery machine because nobody else was doing it.
If you would like to schedule a 1-on-1 private video session with me, check out my offerings on SuperPeer. https://superpeer.com/ballyhoocreations
I spent 15 years in the tech industry as an engineer, tech writer, project manager and customer service expert. Machines are my friends.
I love Sci-Fi conventions and Rennaissance fairs. And costumes. I was a huge NeRd before it was cool. And also, I love science.
Speaking of Science, I learned to teach while working at a Science Museum, in costume, sometimes making things explode.
I live in Oklahoma City with my husband, 2 cats, and 5 chickens in the garden.
There is a magic in dollmaking that other crafts do not offer. My work focuses on growth, kindness, and playfulness.
I'm available for teaching or lectures, both live or online. You can get more info on my Hire Me page.